Frankly, I re-read almost everything. If I can get through it the first time, I usually want to revisit a second, third, fourth, and on and on. I could post about so many, but I'll just start with one author.
One of my favorite fantasy authors is Robin McKinley. I recommended her to my mom and she doesn't like her writing at all. It's pretty wordy and has some strange sentence structure, but I love it. I was wandering through the library recently wishing that I owned almost all of her books and that she had written more of them.
In order of recommendation, or perhaps the order I was introduced ...
- Reading level: Ages 9-12
- Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
It doesn't seem like it could possibly be over 300 pages. It must have really large margins. This is a fun retelling of Beauty and the Beast.
Spindle's End.
- Reading level: Young Adult
- Paperback: 384 pages
A version of Sleeping Beauty. It gets a little strange near the end. Most of her books do, but I love all the rest of it.
The Hero and the Crown and
The Blue Sword- Reading level: Young Adult
- Mass Market Paperback: 227 pages
- Newberry Medal
- Reading level: Young Adult
- Mass Market Paperback: 248 pages
- Newberry Honor
These two are about the same land, but are set generations apart. I love The Blue Sword more. In fact I don't think I'd use the word love in relation to The Hero and the Crown, but it's fairly interesting and a fun read.
The Outlaws of Sherwood- Reading level: Young Adult
- Paperback: 368 pages
I haven't read this one very much, but it seems like I liked it pretty well.
Chalice- Reading level: Young Adult
- Paperback: 272 pages
I liked this one a lot, but I think it is pretty weird and I wish it was longer.
Rose Daughter- Reading level: Young Adult
- Paperback: 304 pages
I don't think I liked this one until I'd read it a couple of times so I don't know that I can recommend it strongly. It is another telling of Beauty and the Beast and
Beauty is much better!
She also has a couple collections of short stories that are fun but not marvelous. DON'T read
Deerskin- seems like it is a bit offensive. I didn't care for
Dragonhaven- it wasn't bad- just didn't really like it. Her adult book
Sunshine is an intriguing vampire tale, but has two pages that I wish I'd never read as they were too graphic for me.