Monday, February 8, 2010

The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander

Reading Level: ages7-10
Paper back: 190 pages

Alexander has a gift with bringing his characters to life. His characters have very unique personalities and Alexander's writing allows you to get to know them. The Book of Three is the first book of the Prydain Chronicles (including the Black Cauldron) and I had to hold myself back from continuing right on to the next book.
The book starts out with Taran, the assistant-pig keeper, who, through events beyond what he could have expected, sets out on an adventure that requires more of him than he thinks he is able to give. Alexander prefaced the book by asking "Aren't there times when we all feel like assistant pig keepers?" Embarking on this journey with Taran, I could relate many times to Taran's feelings of inadequacy, but I, like Taran, often am surprised by what I am able to achieve even if I can still see my flaws.

I'd give this book four stars.


  1. This series is now one of my absolute favorites! After reading it for class I did keep right on reading! I love Alexander's quirky characters. I need to go back and read them again, along with all of his other books!

  2. This series has been a long time favorite of mine. Lloyd Alexander was one of my absolute favorite authors growing up. I'm going to have to dig out all my old books and read them again.
