Monday, January 25, 2010

The Diary of Ma Yan the Struggles and Hopes of a Chinese Schoolgirl edited by Pierre Haski

Reading level: Ages 9-12
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Collins; Tra edition (May 31, 2005)

In a poor rural area of Northern China, lives a young girl named Ma Yan who understands all too well that education is the difference between a life of crushing poverty and the hope of a better future. The low wages paid her family for back-breaking work aren't enough to pay for school fees for Ma Yan and her brother. Her diary begins with her mother telling Ma Yan that they can no longer afford to send her to school. What follows is the courageous and often heart wrenching account of her determination to become an educated young woman. The story of how her diary is passed off to a foreign journalist by her mother (who cannot even read) is captivating. This is a quick read that gives great insight to living conditions in rural China and a spunky little girl determined to live a better life. Proceeds from Ma Yan's diary are used to pay for education fees for Ma Yan and other children like her who live in rural China. Highly recommended for ages 10 and up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ma Yan and her mother are incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Ma Yan's story, her words and her dreams. She has such a beautiful perspective and a strong determination to be educated and have a future. I especially love the relationship that is brought out between mother and daughter.
    "Without Mother, there would be no Ma Yan. I must be grateful to the woman who allowed her daughter to grow, to mature, and to become herself."
    -Thank you for sharing this book Mom.
